Rising Costs of Health Insurance - What should you do?

Health Insurance is an essential policy that we recommend all our clients to get coverage for. Health issues often come up with increasing regularity and for professionals an insurance policy ensures that you get cashless treatment or reduces the total amount of expenses you may incur, in case you fall ill. We were approached by our friend with the problem of very high insurance premium for his existing health insurance policy. It needs to be brought to the attention of our readers that health insurance premiums have increased by nearly 50% over the past year. The health insurance companies are increasing the premium by modifying the policies & then forcing the insured to migrate to the new policy or face loss of insurance coverage. In most cases the insured switch over to the new plans without reviewing whether the new policy rules are still favorable or not. When we review the health insurance policies, we find that they have a plethora of benefits which may not make...